Staff Council Call For Nominations

Staff Council is looking for engaged staff members to run for multiple Executive Board positions that will be up for re-election for the 2015-2016 academic year.  If you are interested in running or know someone who would be a great addition to Staff Council, please contact one of the members of the Nominating Committee: Darlene Mercier, Jodi Kuzia, or Roland Palmer

Serving on Staff Council is an excellent way to get involved, meet new people and help represent your fellow Staff members. If you are interested in any of these positions, or have any questions about what the positions entail, please reach out to the nominating committee or any of your Staff Council Representatives.

Please email the nominating committee if you would like to run, know someone who is interested in running or have someone in mind who you think would be a good candidate by April 22nd Nominations will be gathered by the nominating committee and passed onto Staff Council.  At the May Staff Council meeting, each person who is nominated and would like to run for a position, will be asked to get up and briefly talk about why they are interested in running.

The following positions will be open:

Vice President (2 year term)

According to Article IV of the By-Laws, the Vice President shall receive assigned duties from the President.  In the event of the absence or inability of the President to exercise his/her office, the Vice President shall become the acting President with all the rights, privileges, and powers belonging to that office. 

Secretary (2 year term) 

According to Article IV of the By-Laws, the Secretary shall keep the minutes and official records of the organization, shall send out communications as required, shall serve all notices required by law or these By-Laws, and shall monitor and tally votes of Staff Council.

3 Board Members (1 year term) 

According to Article V of the By-laws, the executive committee shall exist of the elected Officers and three additional Board Members at-large.  Board Members at-large are elected by Staff Council membership at the annual meeting for a one-year term.  Board members at-large may serve no more than three consecutive terms. Each Board Member will serve as a liaison to one of the sub committees as well.

The nominating committee looks forward to hearing from you!

Jodi – Darlene – Roland

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