Staff Council Meeting Minutes – December 2017

Staff Council met on Tuesday, December 19 at 12:00PM in Lakeside 101/102. Below are the meeting minutes (approved on February 21, 2018) for your review. These minutes can also be found on the K: Drive, located at K:\Staff Council\Staff Council – Meeting Minutes\June 2017 – May 2018 (Note for Windows 10 users: the K: drive is now the P: drive on your machine). 

 I.  Welcome – Call meeting to order (Christina Erickson, Staff Council President)

 II.  Approval of the November meeting minutes (view at,

  • A motion was made to approve, motion was seconded, and the November meeting minutes were unanimously approved

III.  Announcements

College Council

  • The Council has adopted a new, discussion based meeting format to address various issues facing the college community. As a result of this new format, issues that have been discussed in recent meetings include Sodexo (budget concerns, staff training, options for individuals with restrictive diets, etc.) and analyzing work patterns to determine and maintain “optimal” work flow.
  • College Council meeting notes can be found on the website through the Faculty and Staff portal:

Staff Council Executive Board

  • Christina noted that her and other members of the Executive Board followed up with President Laackman on behalf of all staff regarding his response to a question asked at Town Hall in regards to staff morale. President Laackman acknowledged that he replied in a manner that could have been misinterpreted and, in an effort to boost overall morale, the President declared Friday, December 22 a “Chauncey Holiday”, thereby extending the winter break for all staff.

People Center

  • Reminder that employee W2 forms will be made available in Workday in mid-January. Staff were reminded to ensure their address information is current and that the option to only have a digital copy is available.

IV.  Brief Overview of Champlain Connect – Hannah Campbell

  • Champlain Connect is an online professional networking platform for individuals to connect with other members of the Champlain community (staff, faculty, students, parents, alumni, and friends of the College). The site is designed for community members to expand their professional connections while also providing opportunities to support the career development of Champlain students and recent graduates.
  • Hannah provided a brief demo regarding the variety of ways in which members can get involved. For example, Staff and other community members can elect to review student/alumni resumes. The platform is also a great source for community members to explore job opportunities posted by the College as well as other employers in the community.
  • Lastly, Champlain Connect members can also learn about networking events in their region, and get the latest news from Champlain. To join, visit

V.  Closing – if you have questions, feedback, ideas – please speak to one of our Executive Committee members

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Meeting Minutes