Staff Council Exec Board Meeting – 11/7/18

The Staff Council Exec Board has made a commitment to be more active in our blogging about what we are up to, committees are working on, and other items to keep staff informed. So, with that in mind, here is my first post regarding an Exec Board meeting.

The Staff Council Executive Board had their standing monthly meeting on Wednesday, November 7th. We meet for an hour and a half once a month. Our meetings are spent working on the agenda for the next Staff Council Meeting, talking about what’s new/what’s the word on the “street”, and committee updates. We then usually have an agenda item that changes each meeting, and yesterday, we discussed the Staff Council Website and updates to make to it, as well as, you guessed it, blogging!

Usually when we are about a half hour into our meeting AVP of Human Capital Jennifer Archambault joins us for the last hour. We typically will go over the upcoming Staff Council Meeting agenda, receive a MRT update from Jennifer, and talk about any other hot topics at the time. Yesterday, Jennifer was at a GMHEC event and unable to join us…as were a few Exec Board members. So, we continued to chat amongst ourselves about different Staff Council items until we were joined by President Don Laackman. Don joins us twice a semester for the last half hour of the meeting. Normally, we have a few questions for discussion for him, and he sometimes has questions/updates for us. We also will talk with Don and Jennifer about ways we can be helpful to them as an Exec Board. Yesterday, there was mainly talk around Modern Think/Town Hall.

Until next time…

Shaylea Scribner, Staff Council President

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Meeting Minutes
Staff Council Executive Committee