From Rebecca Schubert, GMHEC Employee Well-being Program Coordinator |
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“Your mind will take the shape of what you frequently hold in thought, for the human spirit is colored by such impressions.” – Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 5.16 Have you been finding yourself increasingly distracted? Having trouble staying focused? Forgetting what you were just going to do? You could be suffering from pandemic brain fog. Repeated stress is a major trigger for persistent inflammation in the body, which can also affect the brain. We have one of the best remedies to combat this syndrome and get you back to being focused, present and productive….mindfulness training. Choose from our two upcoming options: Beginning mindfulness series: Join Coach Cami, founder of Guided Resilience for this eight week series. You will come away from this series feeling grounded in evidence-based self-care practices, supported in growing in self-awareness and a positive mind and feeling gifted with mindfulness skills and resources to support your growth. Thursdays, October 1 – November 19, 4:00 – 5:15pm EST. Space is limited so preregistration is required. To register, contact Rebecca Schubert at by 5:00 pm EST on Monday, September 28th. Check out what two recent graduates of the program had to say: “I am so thankful that you made Cami’s course available to GMHEC employees. I benefited from it tremendously and I think my students are benefitting from it as well by having a calm, compassionate teacher who can better handle the stresses of teaching in today’s environment.” “The mindfulness series just wrapped up and I wanted to thank you for this and express my appreciation for Cami. I had been seeking a mindfulness class for some time and when I saw the listserv advertising it, I jumped in. Even if by zoom, it was incredibly helpful to me. What struck me was, even though free to the participants, Cami was so attentive to the course and so dedicated in her teaching. She constantly gave us email reinforcement reminders and never for a second let up from her complete attention to the participants.” Mindful Pause book discussion group: This 4-week program invites you to engage in the Guided Resilience approach to well-being as described in Cami Smalley’s Amazon best-selling book, “Mindful Pause: A Self-Care Guide to Resilience and Well-Being.” Learn to tap your hero capacities! Hope, Efficacy, Resilience, Optimism, Energy, and Strengths are evidence-based capacities that protect and promote your resilience, well-being. Each chapter of Mindful Pause walks you through the steps to target holistic change that has the power to improve vitality and ultimately, satisfaction, in the ways you live, work, and relate in the world. Wednesdays, October 7 – 28, 4:00 – 5:00 pm EST. Space is limited so preregistration is required. To register, contact Rebecca Schubert at by 5 pm EST on Monday, October 5th. You can order your copy of Mindful Pause: A Self-Care Guide to Resilience and Well-Being by Coach Cami on Amazon (paperback $12.99) or Kindle ($2.99 reduced price during current pandemic) You do not need a kindle reader…only the app on your device. We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast Join New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Safran Foer as we explore the central global dilemma of our time—climate change—in a surprising, deeply personal, and urgent new way. Foer reveals how the task of saving the planet will involve a great reckoning with ourselves, and that only through collective action will we save our home and way of life. Drawing from history, science, religion, personal stories, and more, Foer shines light on the human condition and society at large, revealing how to broach difficult conversations with people whose opinions differ from our own; how small, decisions really can make a difference; and how to actually take action, do something, and change the world. A message sorely needed in today’s divisive and often overwhelming times, Foer’s words unite and provide some much-needed direction on what we can all do to make a difference. Brought to you by the UVM George D. Aiken lecture series. Wednesday, October 8th 5:00-6:00 pm EST. RSVP here. Cultivating Resilience as an Antidote to Burnout: In these times of uncertainty, pain, anxiety and overwork, organizations are facing a coming wave of employee and leader burnout if they don’t take action now. It may already be hitting your organization (and you). It is clear that we need to rethink how we build resilient workplaces and teams. Join Leah Weiss, globally recognized expert in compassion, mindfulness, and resilience as she helps us gain a broader understanding of resilience as both individuals and teams. We’ll also explore the difference between compassion and empathy and dive into the research around the impact that compassion has on building resilience and preventing burnout. Thursday, October 8th 1:00 – 2:00pm EST. Preregistration required. Click here to register. Healthier Living workshops: Are you trying to manage diabetes or chronic pain? Or quit using tobacco products? Interested in connecting with others who are also working to cope with these challenges? Check out the free, virtual Healthier Living Workshops offered by The Vermont Blueprint for Health. Most workshops meet weekly for six week and are available beginning September 23rd. Get more info here. Chi Walking Clinic: Did you know that you can have “bad habits” while you’re walking? Even though the human body is designed to walk, many of us walk with an abnormal gait which over time, can lead to inability or lack of desire to walk. Join Master ChiWalking Instructor Sarah Richardson for this 2 hour ChiWalking clinic designed to help you understand your walking form and technique so that you can feel good while you’re walking. You’ll learn: *What your body is currently doing when you walk *How to properly move your body to decrease injury *Strategies for energy efficiency while walking *Tips and Techniques to stay motivated *Top three adjustments that will positively impact your walking Groups are limited to 4 to ensure that you get the personalized attention you need, and accommodate social distancing. The clinic includes a pre and post video analysis so you can check your improvements. Seeing what you’re doing is a game changer! Clinic will be held at 136 North Main St. Barre, VT. GMHEC will contribute 25% of the registration fee for this workshop. To register, contact by noon on Wednesday, October 7th. Flu vaccinations: It’s likely that flu viruses and the virus that causes COVID-19 will both spread this fall and winter. Healthcare systems could be overwhelmed treating both patients with flu and patients with COVID-19. This means getting a flu vaccine during 2020-2021 is more important than ever. While getting a flu vaccine will not protect against COVID-19, there are many important benefits, such as:Flu vaccines have been shown to reduce the risk of flu illness, hospitalization, and death.Getting a flu vaccine can also save healthcare resources for the care of patients with COVID-19. You can get your vaccine at your primary care practice and at many local pharmacies. For a list of Cigna in-network pharmacies click here. BCBS VT members…to find an in-network pharmacy where you may be able to get a flu vaccine, click here. MVP members….click here. Staying in network for your vaccine will ensure that your vaccine is covered and you don’t incur any unexpected costs. In addition, Middlebury College, Champlain College and Norwich University will be offering on-site flu clinics for faculty and staff in late October and early November. This is the optimal time to get vaccinated as it will ensure you are covered during peak flu season which runs from November to April. Due to strict Covid protocols, vaccines will be by appointment only. Dates and locations of the clinics will be made available by your college within the next couple of weeks. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Breast cancer is most common in women over age 50. But some women have a high risk for getting breast cancer, even at a younger age. About 11% of all new cases of breast cancer in the United States are in women younger than age 45. If you are over 40 talk with your primary care clinician about when to begin having mammograms and how often to have the screening done. All of our Cigna the plans will cover the cost at 100% if the mammogram is billed as preventive and if they are done with an in-network provider. Use the provider directory on for a list of in-network health care providers and facilities and learn more about breast cancer screening here. And…as always, don’t forget about our daily yoga, strength training and cardio classes and our afternoon stretch session. Movement is one of the best ways to recharge and stay focused. Reach Out to RebeccaJoin Well-Being Facebook GroupVisit Well-Being Pages ![]() You are in our database of wanting to receive this newsletter. |