Attended: Emily Rudolph, Hannah Cartmel, Leslie Van Wagner, Sarah Camille Wilson
- Blog Topics:
- Extend the deadline for the Halloween post to Thursday 10/29 to give people more time to decorate and submit. Post will be published Thursday or Friday.
- Video from welfare committee will go up on the blog this week.
- New blog post ideas:
- Photos/screenshots from Staff Halloween Events
- Holiday crafts/homemade holiday gifts
- Post Election- What can we do?
- Pre/Post election self care blog post.
- SCW will reach out to Kim Quinn to ask her to contribute some self care tips.
- We will ask everyone on C & E to contribute at least one self-care tip.
- Post-election gathering on Wednesday morning.
- Call it “Coffee (not politics):Join your colleagues to talk about anything but the election and to support one another after a late night on Tuesday.
- Schedule for 11 am
- Ask Shaylea or Jared to send invite to all staff
- Ask Shaylea if we can use her zoom account.
- SCW will be there the whole time, Emily, Hannah, and Leslie will come for as much as they can.
- Pre/Post election self care blog post.
- Tags in this article
- Communications & Engagement Committee
- Meeting Minutes