Updates from your Staff Welfare Committee

  • Wellbeing Committee
    • Is this still operating?
    • How can we revive the programs, especially now when we need it the most?
    • The Cigna $300 wellbeing bonus seems nearly impossible to achieve in a COVID world.
  • Brainstorm how to create a professional development day.
    • Delivery and content.
    • Staff Welfare to come up with proposal(s) and solicit feedback from Exec before presenting to Leslie.
  • Performance Evaluations coming up.
    • How do we create an eval that merges our aspirational coaching model and the old school version of an eval?
    • Make sure the document is polished and professional. 
    • Clarity is important.
    • Workshops will be held to help people learn how to complete the performance evaluations.
  • Job descriptions
    • Can reviewing job descriptions become a part of the performance evaluation?
    • Is it possible to have job descriptions on hand while completing the evaluations?
      • This will allow for an accurate assessment of expectations and performance.
    • Encourage self-documentation of changes to your job in a yearly cycle to represent your job accurately on the evaluation.
  • Chats with SWAC
    • Will people show up? 
    • Will we get multiple and new viewpoints?
    • Should we just go on tour and visit other meetings to get their feelings/thoughts?
    • We would need a targeted set of questions to keep on track.
    • Could this be a series of sessions with specific topics?
      • Focus on one question each session.
      • Targeted audience invited?
  • Survey to staff
    • Decided not to send out our own survey when Modern Think isn’t far off.
    • What does Modern Think look like?
      • Mostly Likert style responses.
      • Lack of narrative responses makes it difficult to understand exactly what people are thinking and why.
    • Impression that folks wanted things to be done to improve where we fell short and there were good intentions to improve, but there wasn’t much accomplished (the world fell apart and priorities shifted).
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Staff Welfare Committee