The beginning of daylight savings time makes the mornings a little rough, but we get an extra hour of daylight in the evening! Read below to see what some of your fellow Champlainers will do with their “extra” hour!
Mourn the loss of daylight in the morning 🙂 -David Boyle
I’m an afternoon exerciser, so am happy to have extra daylight after work to get out for a run or walk! Not much exercise happens in the winter when it’s dark all the time after work, so the time change is super helpful! -Elizabeth Scott
An extra hour of snowboarding! Here’s my spring snowboarding outfit! – Emily KokotStart prepping for the vegetable garden & tending to the flower gardens. I love the extra hour at the end of the work day! -Jamie CampStart prepping for the vegetable garden & tending to the flower gardens. I love the extra hour at the end of the work day! -Jamie Camp“Plans,” you say. As if I am master of my own time, as if that time were not thoroughly ruled, governed and owned by creatures with four legs, tails and bottomless pits for stomachs. “Plans,” you ask, as though these endlessly hungry creatures who have not, as they report, NOT EATED FOR SIX HUNDRED DAYS and were not still on our prior schedule, untroubled by notions of things like ‘date lines,’ ‘daylight savings,’ or really that the earth is round at all, other than it produces enough gravity that when you swipe something off a shelf with your paw, it falls to the floor in an incredibly exciting fashion. “Plans,” as though I do not spend that hour leading up to the hour of — we cannot say the dee and also eye and also en and en and ee and ar, nor any of its synonyms, like tee, ar, ee, ay, tee; or various synonyms for domestic fowl, which comprise their din- sorry, their meal, even open the fridge at your peril, so attuned are they to any possible start of preparations for the Best Event of the Day (even better than ach eye kay ee) — already bombarded by demands, climbed on, kneaded, barked at, meowed at, bumped and jostled, laptop shoved willy-nilly aside and let’s just forget about sitting in the bathroom with the door closed. Now are they all vindicated. WE KNEW ALL ALONG they tell me WE KNEW ALL ALONG YOU WERE LATE, as I begin the routine for their repast an hour earlier than I have for these last months. They receive their heaped dishes with glances of sheer entitled smugness. What will I do with my extra hour, you ask? My so-called “plans?” I will be feeding a pack of daylight-savings ignorant, triumphantly voracious house-beasts. -Kel Bachus
That extra hour just may make this sabbatical extra radical. -Nate Walpole
I will use it to campaign vigorously for the abolishment of Daylight Savings, which messes with my chronobiology every six months. -Megan Sheldon
Knit in daylight on the bus! It is light all the way home. -Elin MelchiorWalking, enjoying outdoors! -Murat GungorTo save electricity and spend more time in my solarium… -Roz Whitaker-HeckWhen I get home I can still go into the barn or pasture with a bit of daylight left on non-chore days. Last week I got home and Biancona had escaped (very naughty mama piggy), so we hung out in pasture for a while before walking back to the barn together. -Christina Brooker