Staff Welfare Meeting 10/22/21

Staff Welfare Meeting

Friday 10/22/21


  1. Thoughts on the Presidential Search
    1. General feeling that no candidate wowed us
    2. Don’t feel that our input is weighed heavily anyway
      1. Not getting too emotionally invested in the candidates out of self-care
      2. Were disappointed with the results of the last search and are protecting ourselves from that this time around
  2. We’ve talked about Coffee with SWAC. Should we go ahead and set up some sessions?
    1. Danielle (possibly Jessa) to host to allow people confidential spaces to connect
  3. Can we do a staff survey about their concerns at this time so we can bring those anonymous concerns to leadership?
    1. Modern Think was 3 years ago and lots has changed since the pandemic
    2. Jean-Marie & Danielle to check in with Shaylea & Jared
  4. Sara Q joining us:
    1. How are searches going for the 19 open Staff positions on our website? 
    2. What are the challenges with hiring? 
      1. High saturation of open positions in the market
      2. Slow action by managers/supervisors to reach out so applicants are finding other positions in the meantime
      3. Positions that are “manual” (CPS, Physical Plant) are historically harder to fill
    3. Staff holiday calendar
      1. Sarah connecting PC reps with Danielle & Matthew
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Meeting Minutes
Staff Welfare Committee