The second College Council meeting of the school year met on October 2, 2015. There were only a few updates, so the meeting was shorter than normal.
After approving notes from the September 18th meeting, Mike Kelly introduced two of his Rhetoric students sitting in on the meeting, Jared Knepper and Sean Keenan, who will be SGA representatives this year.
Committee and Task Force updates:
- By-Law and College Calendar Committee: No updates.
- Sustain Champlain: Committees are scheduled and ready to meet, so there will be more updates soon. Student Eco-Rep live training during the Admissions Open House was quite successful.
- Transportation Committee: Will be meeting shortly with the Parking Appeals Committee to get up and running. Transportation systems have been running very smoothly so far.
There was an acknowledgement of the recent tragedy in Oregon before moving on.
- Ad Hoc Committee on Google: No updates.
- There was a question on students’ ability to opt into various events or mailing lists, but the answer was unknown at this time.
Other Updates:
- Student Government: First year elections have been held, and there are 3 new members (Jared, Sean, and Dustin Yost).
- Hearthstone is set to open by the end of next week (hopefully!) Communications with student, faculty and staff will go out soon.
- Staff Council: Not yet met, will have more to report next meeting.
- Faculty Senate: Not yet met, will have more to report next meeting.
- Deans: Ramsey Run is happening tomorrow.
- A Social Enterprise emphasis is being explored, speakers are being gathered.
- AI Commons is coming over soon, things are being finalized.
- Sponsoring a leadership class in Barcelona.
- The Cooperrider Center Open House is on Thursday. David Cooperrider will be in attendance!
- Chinese delegation coming from the University of Shanghai.
- The grand opening of the Cooperrider Center was a great success!
- Administration: Introducing Patti Aldredge, the new Director of the Social Work program!
- Reminder to get flu shots!
- Launch of the Parenting On Track program.
- Game Open House is coming up October 23. It’s a great collaborative effort from all divisions which offer game-related programs.
- College-wide Open House is the next day, October 24. Many more students are registered compared to last year.
- President Laackman’s updates: Parent’s Weekend was very successful!
- Acknolwedgement of the new Shelley Richardson plaque and atrium.
- Sophomore Symposium is on Sunday, President Laackman will be presenting.
- MarketWatch will be filming at the College.
- Upcoming Board Retreat in October. Subjects include advancement, NEASC and CPS leadership transition, as well as committee reports.
- NEASC Initiative: Laurie explained how the NEASC re-accreditation process works.
- United Way Giving Campaign kickoff begins Monday with a social gathering .